With the development of the edutech industry, it has become natural to use technology in the educational field. Along with metaverse and VR headsets beyond video conferencing tools, remote teaching methods based on the virtual world are also spreading. What skills will be accepted in the training field in the future?

Andy Bird, CEO of Pearson, a British educational media organization, appeared on Bloomberg News channel Crypto Report, claiming that NFT would be a future textbook.

First, Bird explained that Pearson wanted to reduce the hassle of carrying thick paper textbooks while developing electronic textbooks. Pearson had 4.5 million users in the first semester alone after the release of electronic textbooks. It also published more than 1,600 electronic textbooks.

Bird noted that Pearson’s demand for electronic textbooks has increased, and said that the spread of COVID-19 has driven the adoption of electronic textbooks. Along with the adoption of electronic textbooks, technology adoption and transformation in the educational field took place naturally.

Byrd said, “If we use the transparency books of the blockchain and NFT in textbooks, we will be able to pay fair royalties for textbook authors. In addition, digital textbooks have come to support education using various forms such as text, chat, screen, image, and video.”

He then explained that while using NFT, new content generated by creators will be used as educational materials. In this regard, he argued that it not only guarantees fairer rewards to creators who generated educational materials with transparency books, but also expects the advantage of expanding access to affordable educational opportunities thanks to the characteristics that anyone can access.

“Like electronic textbooks in the past, the latest technologies such as blockchain and NFT will be able to promote new innovations in the education sector,” Bird said. “It is worth studying the evolution of textbooks and other digital transformation methods using new technologies from a corporate perspective.”

However, Bird said that using blockchain does not mean that paper textbooks will disappear. He stressed that music streaming services such as Spotify will be used together in music classes and that blockchain technology will be used as an educational material in the form of CD in the past, while promoting innovation in new educational methods.

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